Some applicants receive an email notifying them of their likely status for admission. This can raise additional questions that we hope to address here, and students who have received a likely notification are welcome to email us at for further assistance.
- What does likely status mean? Am I admitted? What do I need to do next as a likely candidate?
Designation as a likely candidate for admission means that as long as you continue to maintain your current level of academic progress and good standing, you can expect to receive favorable word when admissions decisions are released in late March. You do not need to provide our office with any additional information.
- Can I visit campus?
We are planning upcoming Days on Campus events in April for students to explore campus, experience special programming and meet future classmates. These dates are available on your application status portal.
Additional programming may be added. Details and registration for Days on Campus and any additional programming will also be posted on your application status portal when decisions are released. Information will additionally be sent via email, so check your inbox regularly.
We also encourage you to participate in our Virtual Days on Campus, a series of panels, chats and meet-ups that we will be offering remotely throughout the month of April. The full calendar of events and registration will be available when admissions decisions are released.
- Does a likely notification come with any sort of scholarship? Can I receive a financial aid estimate?
Because all of Columbia’s grants and scholarships are need based, we do not provide merit scholarships to any of our applicants. Likely candidates for admissions who have applied for financial aid can expect to receive their financial aid eligibility via email at the same time that admissions decisions are released.
- What if I have a change in my senior year course schedule or any other updates to share with the Committee on Admissions?
You should use your application status portal to submit any updates or changes to your application as soon as possible.