We understand that students personally affected by natural disasters, community or personal disturbances or other extenuating circumstances this spring may have challenges in completing their applications on time.
Combined Plan applicants who find they are in need of an extension are welcome to email combinedplan@columbia.edu beginning on Monday, January 27. Transfer applicants who find they are in need of an extension are welcome to email ugrad-transfer@columbia.edu beginning on Monday, February 24. Unfortunately, we are not able to grant Regular Decision applicants an extension at this point.
Additionally, we will accept supporting documentation from schools after the deadline without the need for advisers or professors to request an extension. If school officials are unable to submit application materials through the Coalition Application system, they can send them either by email to ugrad-confirm@columbia.edu or by mail.
Given the disruption that families and communities face in the aftermath of significant turmoil, we hope this flexibility helps to relieve some of the stress and anxiety students, families and educators might be feeling.
Please do feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about application process at combinedplan@columbia.edu or transfer@columbia.edu if we can be of further assistance. We want to assure you that we are committed to working with students who wish to apply to Columbia.