Laura Kaufman

Laura Kaufman
Professor and Chair
Professional Bio

Laura Kaufman ’97CC is a professor of Chemistry and the chair of the Department of Chemistry. She specializes in physical chemistry and runs an interdisciplinary lab that focuses on the dynamics of complex, crowded systems. Professor Kaufman has been named a NYSTAR Young Investigator, a Beckman Young Investigator, a Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar, and a Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Member. Her laboratory is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on the dynamics of complex, crowded systems. In particular, the laboratory studies heterogeneous dynamics in supercooled liquids with single molecule imaging, exciton diffusion in conjugated polymers at the single molecule and aggregate level with single molecule spectroscopy, the mechanical properties and structure of biopolymer gels using rheology and microscopy, and cancer cell invasion in tissue approximations of tailored architecture.

Undergraduate Courses Taught
  • General Chemistry II