This Season's Virtual Events to Explore Columbia

Join us for a series of virtual sessions and events that are especially designed to introduce you to Columbia, the vibrant community that exists here, milestones in the application process and ways we can support your journey.

Four students walking on campus
Student studying with headphones in the library

Chat with Current Students

Join us for both informal chats and panels with current Columbia students to discuss their experiences.

Register on the Virtual Visits Calendar

Columbia College graduates
Aerial view of Columbia's campus at sunset

Financial Aid Information Session

Join members of Columbia Financial Aid & Educational Financing for a walk-through of the financial aid application process. Students and families will learn more about Columbia's commitment to affordability and our need-based, need-blind and full need financial aid program.

Register on the Virtual Visits Calendar

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students gather on blue couches in Lerner Hall, in front of a glass wall.
students sitting at a table in Butler Library

Virtual Information Sessions

Learn more about Columbia College and Columbia Engineering from an Admissions Officer and current undergraduate student. Take advantage of this opportunity to dive deeper into the academic and student life experiences at Columbia. 

Columbia Engineering information sessions are offered on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. Eastern. They provide an overview of the engineering program, including the Engineering for Humanity approach, research opportunities for undergraduate students, and the application process.

Register on the Virtual Visits Calendar 

Recorded Virtual Events

In case you miss a virtual event you're interested in, we offer video recordings of our information sessions to make sure you have as many opportunities as possible to get to know Columbia. Whether it's in real time or not, we'd still love to help you learn more about the Columbia experience.

Note that Student Q&A chats are not recorded, but other events are available to watch.

Student Panel: Rural and Small-Town Students at Columbia

Columbia Engineering Information Session

Cost Calculators

It can be hard to understand how much a college education will actually cost for you and your family. Use our tools to learn more about what financial aid at Columbia might look like for you.

Understanding the Process

The college process can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Learn what Columbia looks for and how the review process works.

Application Fees and Fee Waivers

Columbia is committed to affordability for not just our students, but our applicants as well. Find out how to qualify for an application fee waiver.